晨讀738期 |“勞動節”用英語怎麼說?不是Labor Day哦!






“五一勞動節”的國際通用說法是International Workers’Day,Labor Day指的是美國的“勞工節”,在每年9月份的第一個星期一,比如說今年的勞工節就是2024年9月2號。



Fun Facts about May Day

Among the many superstitions associated with May Day was the belief that washing the face with dew on the morning of May 1 would beautify the skin and bring good luck. We say go ahead! Walk outside and sprinkle your face with morning dew (or snow!). 


superstition [ˌsuː.pəˈstɪʃ.ən] n. 迷信;迷信觀念

👉a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in the supernatural, luck, or fate

Many people believe that black cats are a sign of bad luck, but it's just a superstition. (許多人認爲黑貓是不祥的象徵,但這只是一種迷信。

dew [djuː] n. 露水

👉moisture that forms on surfaces during the night when the temperature falls below the dew point

The grass was wet with dew. (草地上沾滿了露水。

sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋ.kəl] v. 灑;撒;輕輕地拋灑

👉to scatter in drops or particles

Sprinkle a little salt over the eggs. (在雞蛋上撒一點鹽。

On May 1, people in Britain welcome spring by “Bringing in the May,” or gathering cuttings of flowering trees for their homes. Kids would go barefoot on May Day for the first time. Whatever your age today, walk barefoot in the morning dew (or snow?). Encourage the kids to do the same!


barefoot [ˌbeəˈfʊt] adj. 赤腳的

👉without shoes or socks on the feet

The children ran around barefoot in the park. (孩子們赤腳在公園裏奔跑。

What Does “Mayday!” Mean?


Here’s a fun fact: The term “Mayday!” is not related to the “May Day” spring festival, but instead comes from the French phrase “M’aidez!,” which means “Help me!” If you hear “Mayday!” repeated three times, realize that it is an urgent distress call. (To signal that you need help but are not in a life-threatening situation, repeat the phrase “Pan-pan!” three times when calling for assistance.)


distress [dɪˈstres] n. 危難;痛苦;悲傷

👉a state of adversity or danger

During the hurricane, many families were in distress, stranded in their homes without power, water, or food. (在颶風期間,許多家庭陷入了困境,被困在沒有電力、水和食物的家中。