
The battle between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen will be decided in the final race of the season





It’s strange that, suddenly, Formula One, a sport I’ve followed since I was about nought, has captured the world’s imagination and that as a result it won’t just be me watching the title-deciding race in Abu Dhabi this afternoon. It’s going to be a water-cooler event. It’s like Rod Stewart waking up one morning to find that everyone else has suddenly become interested in model railways. For years he’s kept his Hornby 00 hobby a secret, and then, in a flash, everyone is cornering him at parties, desperate to know whether it’s OK to team GWR rolling stock with Flying Scotsman. (It isn’t.)



On Wednesday evening I was in a room full of billionaires celebrating a mate’s knighthood, and all they could talk about was Lewis and Max. And the next day I had lunch with a bunch of luvvies and horse enthusiasts and it was the same story. Andrew Lloyd Webber didn’t actually ask in so many words if Red Bull could improve its rear-wing design, but I could see he was thinking it.



It’s not just because this year’s championship has been so closely fought. There have been others that have gone down to the wire as well. And it’s not just because the two protagonists are so different. You’ve got Lewis Hamilton, who is so hilariously on message, he’s off it. He stands there with his serious tax-dodging but knighted face telling everyone to cut their emissions, while circumnavigating the globe so that he can race a 1,000-horsepower car that was sponsored by a company whose insulation was on Grenfell Tower.





Then there’s Max Verstappen, who’s a yob. His dad, Jos, a Dutch racing driver from the 1990s, was convicted of threatening his wife and violating a restraining order.



They are both epic drivers, though. For what it’s worth, I think Max is probably better as a helmsman. He just seems to be able to get more out of the car than it is capable of delivering. His qualifying lap in Saudi Arabia last weekend was probably the best driving I’ve seen. Right up to the point when he crashed.



But when it comes to wheel-to-wheel racing, Lewis probably has the edge. When the chips are down, he gets canny. He’s cleverer. More calculating. So we have a battle of maths versus violence. One of them is playing chess in Reykjavik and the other’s in a bare-knuckle cage on a hot night in Bangkok.



The main reason, though, why this year’s championship finale has captured everyone’s imagination is a series on Netflix called Formula 1: Drive to Survive.


The normal F1 coverage is awful. You have a bunch of guys in stupendously tight trousers talking for hours about what might happen before the race. They’re so keen to demonstrate that they’re in the inner circle that they use the same terms as the teams use, and the same acronyms, seemingly unbothered by the fact that no one in the real world knows what deg is. And take those headphones off your head, and don’t wear such big microphone packs, you buffoons.




歡迎閱讀 @我自己的工作間 年度譯製大活兒——F1賽事的百科全書《F1:登峯造極》!



Anyway, when they finally shut up, we get a terrible rendition of the host country’s turgid national anthem, followed by a frantic first corner, followed by a two-hour race that sounds likes waves breaking on a beach. It’s Mogadon with turbocharging and is so sonorous, I never, ever, get to lap three without falling asleep.



Netflix changed all that. It gave us edited highlights. F1 without the oxpeckers. It allowed us to hear what the drivers were really saying to their teams during the races and what the team bosses were saying about the drivers afterwards. It showed us the glamour and the excitement, but it also showed us the warts and the STIs. And we got to know the people.



I fell in love with Guenther Steiner, the team boss of Haas, and developed a deep fondness for Esteban Ocon, a young French driver with the Alpine team. People the mainstream broadcasters never talk to.


That’s why we will all be on the edge of our seats today, lapping up a winner-takes-all, do-or-die gladiatorial battle at 200mph in the desert. It’s Maximus versus Commodus.



We’ve been told that whoever finishes in front will be crowned world champion. But it’s not that simple. Because if Max crashes into Lewis, and both are forced to retire, then Max will be champion because he’s won one more race than Lewis this year.



Would you deliberately crash your car into a rival to win the championship? I doubt it, but it’s happened before. Senna did it. Prost is alleged to have done it. Even Schumacher was accused of it. But there was no VAR back then. There is now, though, and the word is that if the stewards reckon Max staged the crash on purpose, he will be disqualified. We may not know who the world champion is, then, until long after the race is over.



I hope you’ll forgive the rather rambling nature of this week’s column, but this is a sport I’ve loved all my life and for the first time ever it’s socially acceptable to talk about it.



Back in the glory days of Top Gear we had a giant picture on our office wall of James Hunt sitting on his McLaren after a race with a fag in one hand and a can of Carling in the other, and next to him was a “dolly bird” in a gold lamé jumpsuit. And you could see he was thinking, “Which of these three things shall I have first?”


It’s almost certain you couldn’t put up a picture like that in the BBC today. Drink, smoking, fast cars and girls are all not allowed. And yet F1 has edged its way from those days to this weekend and survived. Which means I can finish off now by saying loudly and proudly: go, Max. You may be a Belgian yob, but I’m rooting for you, boy.




