
作爲本屆WWDC的壓軸內容,蘋果公司把自己多年對人工智能、機器學習等的開發經驗,與當前的生成式AI和大語言模型相結合的最新成果——Apple Intelligence(蘋果智能)推出,這是一種新型的個人智能系統。 
這個很蘋果的名字,引發了“蘋果再次用自己的方式詮釋了什麼是AI”的吐槽。至於Apple Intelligence,蘋果公司CEO蒂姆·庫克爲開發這套系統列出五大原則:強大的、符合直覺的、深度整合的、懂得個人的以及保護隱私的。 
Whenever a new technology comes along, the world has traditionally looked to Apple to know what to do with it. Under Steve Jobs, the company was renowned for converting groundbreaking technologies into the next must-have device or service.
每當一項新技術出現時,世界傳統上都指望蘋果(Apple)知道該如何利用它。在史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的領導下,蘋果以將突破性技術轉化爲下一代必備設備或服務而聞名。
Not any more. This weeks hotly anticipated unveiling of Apple Intelligence Apples audacious attempt to stamp its own brand on to generative artificial intelligence was an uneven and unoriginal demonstration that seemed uncharacteristically derivative.
現在不是了。本週備受期待的蘋果智能(Apple Intelligence)發佈會,蘋果試圖將其品牌打造成生成式人工智能的代名詞,但展示效果不夠出色,缺乏創意,顯得不夠獨特。
There is little sense that Apple has edited down the possibilities of generative AI to prioritise the truly useful the quality that most distinguished the company under Jobs. It may have eased worries that Apple has fallen badly behind in a key technology, but it leaves the question of who will shape the AI future wide open.

第一,學習groundbreaking的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示groundbreaking work involves making new discoveries, using new methods etc創新的,開創性,例:groundbreaking research 具開拓性的研究

第二,學習audacious的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示showing great courage or confidence in a way that is impressive or slightly shocking大膽的,例:the risks involved in such an audacious operation 如此大膽的行動中存在的風險

第三,學習derivative的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示not new or invented, but copied or taken from something else used to show disapproval非獨創的,模仿他人的,抄襲的〔含貶義〕,例:a derivative text 依樣畫葫蘆的文章

The very versatility of generative AI feeds uncertainty about its likely impact. Will it usher in a more natural way of interacting with computers? Will it be felt mainly as a set of gee-whizz new features that add bells and whistles to the apps we use every day? Or, like OpenAIs chatbot ChatGPT, will its most important effects be on the way we find information and navigate the broader digital world?
The AI that Apple showed off this week tried to be all of these things. The risk is that, in rushing to make up for lost time, it will not do any of them particularly well.
Start with the gee-whizz features. These were sprinkled liberally through Apples presentation and offer to give users ways to create personalised images and emojis and add automated writing prompts.
But features like these have become familiar in AI services from other companies. It seemed to be an exercise in box-checking. Google has a photo-editing tool that lets you erase things from pictures? We can do that. Microsofts new Recall feature keeps track of everything youve done on your device so you can find things again easily? Yes, we can do that, too.

第一,學習versatile的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示having many different uses有多種用途的,多功能的,萬用的,例:The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable. 馬鈴薯是一種用途極廣的蔬菜。

第二,學習gee-whiz的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示very good, in a way that is impressive and exciting絕妙的,很棒的,例:gee-whiz graphics 超棒的圖像

第三,學習personalize的用法。這個詞做及物動詞,表示to design or change something so that it is suitable for a particular person使〔某物〕符合某人的特定需求,例:All the products can be personalized to the clients exact requirements. 所有產品都可以根據客戶的具體要求來設計。

Much will depend on how well Apples in-house AI models work an important question, given the challenges such systems have in returning accurate results. But throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks has never been the Apple way.
When it comes to an AI that can answer questions about the wider world, meanwhile, Apples in-house technology is far behind. So this week it announced a deal with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT to its devices, offering users the chance to get answers free of charge.
Yet what might have sounded like a blockbuster alliance looked halfhearted. iPhone users will have to ask a question of Apples digital assistant, Siri, which will then ask for permission to put the same question to ChatGPT hardly the seamless integrationApple likes to talk about.
Nor was it clear how this relationship will work in the longer term. Generating AI answers is expensive, and most tech observers expect Apple to eventually charge users for ChatGPT if the feature takes off.

第一,學習in-house的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示working within a company or organization公司[組織]內部的;在機構內部,例:We have an in-house training unit. 我們有一個內部培訓部。

第二,學習free of charge的用法。這個詞組表示with no cost免費,例:Delivery is free of charge. 免費送貨。

第三,學習halfhearted的用法。這個詞做形容詞,表示done without much effort and without much interest in the result半心半意的,敷衍了事的,不熱心的,例:Congress has made half-hearted attempts at finance reform. 國會嘗試了一下金融改革,卻沒有盡力而爲。

The arrangement also underlines the uncomfortable fact that Apples in-house AI is inferior. If the most advanced AI systems really do reach human-level intelligence then they could well become the core tech platforms on which future apps depend. For Apple, catching up will be key.
The possibility that AI will bring a more natural way to handle our everyday digital activities, is where Apple has the best chance to make an impact in the short term. It promises a souped-up Siri that will be able to pick through information in your email, messages and various apps to answer questions or take actions on your behalf.
While this idea sounds deceptively simple, pulling it off will be hard. AI systems are probabilistic, meaning they make their best guess at returning the right answer. Apple has yet to show how well the new Siri works.
This raises broader questions about the future of technology. If Siri becomes the on-ramp to everything you do on an iPhone, reducing the need to open apps, what does that do to the many developers whose businesses depend on building direct relationships with Apples users?
This is the same upheaval threatened by the latest AI feature in Googles search engine, which aims to summarise information plucked from other websites. If AI systems run by big tech companies can filter the digital world in this way and if they can use that information to start taking actions on our behalf then what future is there for all the websites, apps and other software tools that we currently rely on?
Relief that Apple is finally bringing generative AI to its devices added more than $260bn to its stock market value this week. Over the next few years, Apple AI could fuel a massive hardware upgrade cycle. It will only work on a very small number of existing devices, so most customers will have to buy a new and more powerful iPhone, iPad or Mac to see Apple Intelligence.
But it doesnt mean Apple has yet found the key that will unlock the full potential of generative AI.
外刊文章來源,2024年6月19日,金融時報,Even Apple cannot explain why we need AI in our lives
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