
The quietest corners are full of surprises. Yes, rural Britain is famous for its flower-filled meadows and charming thatched villages.




英國的科茨沃爾德(Cotswolds)地區位於英格蘭中南部,以其如畫的鄉村風光、古樸的村莊和蜂蜜般的石灰岩小屋而聞名。這裏被譽爲自然景觀優美的地區,以起伏的丘陵、鬱鬱蔥蔥的草地和古老的木lands木地而著稱。科茨沃爾德也以其迷人的集市小鎮聞名,如奇平坎普登(Chipping Campden)、斯托-昂-沃爾德(Stow-on-the-Wold)和伯頓-昂-沃特(Bourton-on-the-Water),每個小鎮都有獨特的歷史遺蹟、舒適的酒吧和當地的手工藝品。

到訪科茨沃爾德的遊客可以探索歷史悠久的城堡、花園和莊園,如蘇德利城堡(Sudeley Castle)和希德科特莊園花園(Hidcote Manor Garden),展示了這一地區豐富的文化遺產和迷人的自然景觀。科茨沃爾德長途步道(Cotswold Way)爲徒步愛好者提供了親身體驗這一地區自然之美的機會。


The Cotswolds, located in south-central England, is renowned for its picturesque countryside, quaint villages, and honey-colored limestone cottages. It's an area of outstanding natural beauty, characterized by rolling hills, lush meadows, and ancient woodlands. The Cotswolds is also famous for its charming market towns like Chipping Campden, Stow-on-the-Wold, and Bourton-on-the-Water, each offering unique historical sites, cozy pubs, and local crafts.

In addition to its natural and architectural splendor, the Cotswolds boasts a thriving arts and crafts scene, with local artisans producing everything from pottery to textiles. The region is also known for its culinary delights, including locally sourced produce, artisanal cheeses, and traditional pubs serving hearty meals.

坎特伯雷  Canterbury



Canterbury, located in the county of Kent in southeastern England, is a city steeped in history and cultural significance. It is perhaps best known for Canterbury Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the oldest and most famous Christian structures in England. The cathedral is a stunning example of Gothic architecture and has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries, especially since the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170.

Today, Canterbury is a vibrant city with a mix of historic charm and modern amenities. Its cultural scene includes museums, galleries, and theaters, while its university, the University of Kent, adds a youthful energy to the city. Canterbury's bustling streets are lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

波爾佩羅 Polperro, Cornwall





Polperro is a charming fishing village nestled on the coast of Cornwall, England. It's renowned for its picturesque harbor, narrow winding streets, and quaint cottages that cascade down towards the sea. This traditional Cornish village has a rich maritime history, once thriving on fishing and smuggling activities during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Visitors to Polperro can explore its historic charm by wandering through its narrow lanes lined with whitewashed cottages adorned with colorful flowers. The harbor remains the heart of the village, where fishing boats bob on the water and visitors can enjoy fresh seafood in local pubs and restaurants.

The village is also popular with artists and photographers due to its scenic beauty and unique atmosphere. Nearby coastal walks offer stunning views of the rugged cliffs and the azure sea, providing opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy the natural beauty of Cornwall.

Polperro maintains a sense of tranquility and authenticity, making it a favorite destination for those seeking a quintessential Cornish experience away from larger tourist crowds. Its preserved historic character and stunning coastal setting ensure that visitors are captivated by its timeless allure.

盧斯 Luss, Scotland

蘇格蘭的 Luss 村莊位於蘇格蘭西側的洛蒙德湖(Loch Lomond)畔,是一個非常受遊客歡迎的地方。Luss 村莊以其迷人的湖景和傳統的蘇格蘭風貌而聞名,是一個風景如畫的小鎮。遊客可以在這裏欣賞到壯麗的湖泊景色,探索村莊中保存完好的歷史建築,以及參觀當地的手工藝店和咖啡館。此外,Luss 還是許多電視劇和電影的取景地,吸引了衆多影迷前來朝聖。總體而言,Luss 村莊是一個寧靜而美麗的地方,適合放鬆身心和體驗蘇格蘭鄉村生活。

Luss is a picturesque village located on the western shore of Loch Lomond in Scotland. It is renowned for its stunning views of the Loch and its traditional Scottish architecture. The village is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a chance to enjoy the natural beauty of the area, explore historic buildings, visit local craft shops, and relax in cafes. Luss is also known for being a filming location for various TV shows and movies, adding to its charm and appeal.

Aberaeron 威爾士

Aberaeron是位於威爾士西部卡馬森郡(Ceredigion)的一個小鎮,坐落於愛德華王子灣(Cardigan Bay)的海岸線上。這個小鎮以其美麗的彩色喬治亞式建築而聞名,這些建築通常是由不同顏色的灰泥磚塊建成,給人一種獨特而迷人的視覺效果。


Aberaeron is a charming town located on the west coast of Wales, not in the UK's England as previously noted. It's renowned for its colorful Georgian architecture, which lines its streets and creates a picturesque seaside atmosphere. This small town is part of Ceredigion County and lies between Cardigan Bay and the Cambrian Mountains, offering stunning coastal views and access to beautiful beaches.

Aberaeron is also famous for its annual events, including the Aberaeron Festival of Welsh Ponies and Cobs, celebrating the region's equestrian heritage. The town's harbor remains active, supporting a small fishing fleet and offering opportunities for boating and water activities.

