Architecture Open Form丨簡約之美,寧靜而自然

Architecture Open Form


Architecture Open Form représente une manière créative de penser design, matérialité, structure et construction dans l'évolution de l'architecture contemporaine.

坐落在一片鬱鬱蔥蔥的森林的寧靜天堂,與河流接壤,質樸的等級是一個朝南的小木屋,最初設想是一個理想的迷你家,逃避外面世界的喧囂和日常生活。它由Maurice Martel建築師設計,是對與自然環境和諧融合的深刻反思的結果,它邀請您進行沉思和精神更新的旅程。

Nestled in the tranquil haven of a lush forest, and bordered by a river, Rustic Grade is a south-facing chalet initially envisioned as the ideal mini-home to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life in the outside world.  Its design by Maurice Martel architecte is the result of deep reflection on harmoniously blending with the natural surroundings, and it invites you on a journey of contemplation and spiritual renewal.


The architecture of the chalet is reduced to the very essence of simplicity to form an almost perfect cube.   The meticulous choice of durable and maintenance-free materials, along with the straight lines of the cube, beautifully contrasts in the surrounding organic forest environment.   The footprint of this refuge was deliberately restricted, embodying the quintessence of an economical dwelling without sacrificing an iota of comfort.


Conscious of its footprint, the cube was optimized in every detail.    The number of openings was limited for energy efficiency concerns.    Therefore, the orientation of each window is no coincidence: seeking as much natural light as possible by refusing to open to the north, and directing large bay windows to the south.    The views of the river that runs along the property are undoubtedly one of the most remarkable features of the dwelling, and the sound of the water tirelessly flowing close to the chalet is a spiritual delight.


The epitome of comfort, a sauna was integrated into the upper cube, where an opening was created to allow the morning light to flood the living space.     This sauna was designed to offer an ultimate relaxation experience immersed in the tranquil beauty of nature through its wall-to-wall glass panorama.

LeJeune Residence

The LeJeune Residence, located in the heart of the Plateau-Mont-Royal Borough of Montreal, Canada, was built in 1890.  Its transformation carried out in 2013, involved a play between municipal constraints and the clients’ vision.

自治市鎮的規章制度要求保留和重建街面原有的建築構件,業主想要一個堅決的當代項目。Architecture Open Form以一種創造性的解決方案來解決這些看似矛盾的需求的挑戰。
The borough’s bylaws called for the preservation and reconstruction of the façade’s original architectural components and the clients wanted a resolutely contemporary project.   Architecture Open Form addressed the challenge of these seemingly contradictory demands with a creative solution that catered to both.

Despite the fragility of the existing building and its structure, the owners envisioned an architectural approach that was sustainable, bold and high-quality, and at the same time respectful of the historic characteristics of the 125-year-old building.

內容策劃 / Presented
策劃 Producer :Design Poem
圖片版權 Copyright :Architecture Open Form
